Saturday, January 31, 2015

At long last, dear friends, I am able to welcome you all to the Obsidian Tower.

The Obsidian Tower is my presence on the internet, a place where we can meet and discourse on all things me.  In matter of fact, rather, a place where I can express those things I am a part of and practice; writing, high fantasy, and other various topics of interest to myself and others.

Through the machinations of our mutual friend James, this place is a gateway where Kevin and I will be able to share our projects, writing, and thoughts on the things that matter to us both.  For me, I enjoy writing and astronomy, reading and gaming (D&D, Ultima Online), and game crafting.

I am also looking forward to posting some of my writing work, namely Stormwalkers (co-authored with Kevin), and a new book I am writing and am extremely excited about (can you say dragons?  I knew you could.).  I would also hope to be able to post some of my horror novellas, which I think you will find unique in their approach to the usual horror genre tropes of werewolves, vampires and ghosts.

Feel free to look about the Obsidian Tower.  However, I do advise caution.  Unlike the Quiet Glade where Kevin takes residence, this place is a shade (or three) darker, with more shadow than light.  I hope you brought torches.  Finally, and in the words of a hero of mine, I bid you welcome, and enter freely with some of the happiness you bring.   

1 comment:

  1. Indeed. I think the first one I post will be `Lyco'. :) (Little Bobby Shimwood never knew what hit him!... or is that `bit' him?)
